Nine Inch Nails’ Year Zero Supposedly Green Lit

In April 2007 Nine Inch Nails released the overtly political concept album Year Zero. An extensive ARG to help listeners become part of the Orwellian 2022 United States the album was about preceeded and followed it’s release; a world where the US drugged the water and kidnapped anyone considered seditious or unpatriotic. In various interviews, NIN figurehead, Trent Reznor hinted his interest in adapting the album’s story into a coherent narrative, possibly in the form of a graphic novel, but most likely as a HBO television maxi-series. Over the past two years the project had been the hot topic among rabid fans, with Reznor mentioning it’s snail paced developement. It seems that fans can start chomping at the bit for real now. According to two cryptic updates on Reznor’s Twitter the Year Zero series is a go.