Netflix Picks: ‘Louie’

Every week we’re bringing you recommendations for great movies or TV shows streaming on Netflix. This week’s selection is…


“Louie” (7 out of 10) – Created, Directed by, and Starring Louis C.K. TM-MA

“Louie” is a comedy currently running on FX that follow the life and experiences of a fictionalized version of comedian Louis C. K. a divorced father of two girls living as a comedian in New York. The show format is unusual for television comedies having no real running continuity, consisting mostly of stand alone segments bookended by Louis on stage doing his act.

The segments usually reflect the content of whatever bit he was discussing on stage.

Original stand up material was created and recorded for the show, though some pieces of bits get reused in multiple episodes but are explored from a different angle.

Each of the segments revolves around Louis’ character though there are some recurring characters, Louis’ daughters, a group of fellow comedians, and a single mother whose children sometimes have play dates together.

The content of the show explores the darker side of comedy, discussing racism, death, sexual orientation, and hard truths among other things in keeping with Louis C.K’s particular brand of humor.

Later on in the series there is more of an attempt at having continuity and episodes become less stand alone in nature.

It took me a couple of tries to get into it, I think at first I didn’t see what it was trying to be but after a second consideration I find that I’ve had more genuine laughs than I can recall from any other TV comedy, and more than a small amount of self reflection.

If your sensibilities are such that you aren’t offended by language or crude situations and you enjoy laughing, than this is the show for you.

I’ll leave you a preview below.

Happy binge watching.