LOST Episode 616 “Review”

Arse-bot: Wow. I don’t recall any other episode of LOST that had such a length of time of just straight forward answers. However, before I get too ahead of myself, I want to talk about the alt-time line.

The alternate time line has gotten to be pretty interesting. This week we saw Jack wake up with unexplainable blood on his neck – perhaps some cross contamination between the time lines? I bet so. We also got to see Desmond once again beat the living shit out of Ben, which is always a good time. Locke also started to become the believer he is in the original time line, wanting Jack to perform a surgery that will hopefully give him his legs back. Desmond is slowly chipping away at this time-line, bringing people together, hitting people with cars, lining everything up. At the beginning of the season I wasn’t too keen on this alternate time line, but now I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

Back on the island, Kate survived. Normally, I would have been pretty upset about this because I was hoping she’d die. But I was impressed this episode. Enough shit has happened to her to wake her up and now she’s saying things like, “We need to kill [Locke].” I think I can tolerate this Kate for the last 2 1/2 hours left in the series, though, I am still betting she bites the big one in the finale.

I really enjoyed Sawyer in this episode, those his time was pretty brief. He, too, has had a change of attitude. Despite what Jack assures him of, he knows he is partially responsible for the deaths of four people, people he was close to, and it’s eating him up inside. He also provided the funniest moment of the episode for me when he wise-cracked, “I thought that guy had a God-comoplex before…” at the stream while Jacob was making Jack “like him” and Kate just said his name and he responded with, “Yeah, I know.”

We also had all the Ben and Widmore drama come to a head once Locke showed up. Ben reverted right back to his old self and sold out his old rival – who, remember, is essentially responsible for the death of Ben’s daughter. I know we have gotten a lot of “feel goods” about Ben’s apparent change of heart and teaming up with the castaways, but I loved watching him slip right back into his old ways and just how little it took to make that happen. So now the question is, is Ben really back to his evil, scheming ways? Or was this all just revenge for the death of his daughter?

The meat of the episode though, belonged to Jack and Jacob. Jacob gave the islanders (and us) a few answers about the names on the wall, how he protects the island, etc. We actually got a few straight forward answers, something that has been so rare over the last 6 years. We found our that they weren’t magically on there, Jacob had simply written them on there and Kate’s name had been crossed out because she was a “mother” – but the job of “New Jacob” was still hers if she wanted it. But in a not-so-surprising, and confident mannor, Jack stepped forward to assume the role of island protector… now it’s off to do battle and protect the island in what is sure to be a finale of epic proportions.

What say you Proletaria? Was this as sweet of a taste for the finale for you as it was for me?

Proletaria-tron: I pretty much agree with you. You outlined most of the episode so I wont rehash but I’ve got to say that my favorite part was Secrent Agents Desmond and Hurley at the end of the Alt Timeline. Desmond getting himself locked up into a cell between Kate and Sayyid and then planning their escape was fucking awesome! Remember when I said we need the Hurley And Desmond show?? This is why. Even though that whole part of the story was cool the best was when Hurley said “Oh hey, I didn’t know Anna-lucia was gonna be here.” Now we know that Hurley is 100% aware of both timelines.

We also found out that Hurley wants nothing to do with being Jacob. Even though he very well could end up being him. (I think Jacks going to die in the next episode somehow, just my opinion) Like Arse-Bot said, we got a whole ten minutes of straight forwardness and it surprised me. I mean we all knew Jack was going to be the one to do it but, he didn’t even hesitate! “Take over for you? Sure lets go!” But I think Jack didn’t realize that meant he had to protect the island for hundreds of years and something with a vagina is probably going to make him think twice about the decision he’s made.

Basically an awesome episode. Desmond kicked ass and ran around with that “If you only knew” smile of his. And we got some decent answers. Sunday is going to kick ass.

Be sure to check out this weeks very funny edition of the weekly web comic, “Previously on LOST”!

And that’s it folks! It’s full speed ahead to the finale, and this Sunday, after 2 1/2 hours it will all be over! What better way to watch then mourn than with fellow LOST fans! Be sure to join us at Brewvies THIS SUNDAY for the LOST Series Finale on the Big Screen! Hope to see you there!