LOST Episode 615 “Review”

Proletaria-Tron: Well that was interesting. Jacob and Smokey are brothers, and Jacob could have very well ended up running the Bates Motel. I liked all the small things like the origins of the game. The inclusion of the bottle (demo for corking evil) and that Smokey before Jacob fed him to the islands heart could see the dead.

At first I thought this episode sucked, but the last ten minutes pulled it all together and now I’m more excited. Dammit Lost. I know I didn’t say much but honestly I just don’t have much to say. Good episode.

Arse-bot: After last week’s powerful episode, this week was a bit of a lull for me – but an interesting lull none-the-less and by no means a bad episode.

We find out that Smokey and Jacob are twin brothers who were adopted by a crazy lady living on the island. And by “adopted” I mean she helped their mother give birth, then killed her via blunt trauma with a rock. As the boys are coming of age we find the origin of “the game” and a lot about their relationship; the jealousy, the competition, and the different choices of lifestyle as Smokey leaves to live with his people who had crashed on the island when he was born while Jacob chooses to stay with “mother”.

It also to turns out that while all these assholes on the island have been digging to get to the island’s “heart of light”, it turns out there is a stream that leads right into it, which Jacob shoves Smokey down after Smokey kills their “mother”. Of course though, Smokey only killed his mother because she killed his people and knocked him the hell out once he revealed his plans about the wheel and how he planned to get off the island. It’s this act of violence on Jacob’s part -pushing his brother down the stream into the cave of light- that actually turns him into the smoke monster, but produces a lifeless body in the process.

While the episode was a bit slow, the end pulls everything together nicely with the revelation that the mysterious bodies discovered by Jack in Kate clear back in Season 1 are those of Jacob’s brother’s body and their “mother’s” body. We find out quite a bit about the motivations of these two characters as well; why they have a level of hatred for one another, why Smokey wants off the island so bad, and why Jacob was so content with being the island’s guardian. The back story information for these two characters was great – thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this episode.

It’s almost here! We only have one new episode between now and the 2 1/2 hour LOST Series Finale event on May 23! Be sure to check out our event page for BSR! Presents the LOST Series Finale on the Big Screen! Hope to see all you local LOST fans there!