LOST Episode 614 “Review”

Arse-bot: Holy. Shit. I don’t even know where to begin with last night’s episode of LOST. What an emotional, intense episode…

Allow me to briefly address the alt-time line first. Not a lot happened, but we got to see the parallel’s between Atl-Jack and Locke, and Real-Jack and Locke. This time around, it’s Jack trying to make a believer out of Locke with regards to his spinal surgery, and in the final moments it’s quite clear that Locke has had a vision of his Island-Prophet self while he was under…

Now, to the meat of the episode: The result of the cliff-hanger from two weeks ago of all the Oceanic Castaways (sans Jack) on their knees at gun point last week turned out not to be too big of a deal. Whidmore just wanted to keep them in cages is all… which I found to be a bit odd and didn’t really understand the motivation for that. But, none-the-less Sawyer and Kate found themselves back in a familiar place and it seemed that everyone was out of ideas.

Of course, Jack, Zombie-Sayid, and Flocke all narrowly escaped the mortar fire – and now Flocke wants to go reclaim his “prisoners”. Jack and company free Sawyer, Kate, Hurley, Jin, Sun and Lapidus quite easily – which again, Whidmore finally got them away from Flocke, you’d think he would have had some backup generators on that fence or something. I have to say, one of my favorite things about this episode was seeing the original castaways tromping through the Island on an “adventure” again – only the stakes have never been higher.

After getting the people he needs back, Flocke leads them to the plane only to find it has been rigged with C4. So it’s on to Plan B. Steal the submarine. Of course, Sawyer still doesn’t trust Flocke and plots with Jack to once again stop him from escaping with them. The castaways all sneak on to an eerily unguarded sub, but there are casualties along the way. Kate gets pegged in the chest, Jack pushes Flocke into the water to buy them some time to get on the sub without him, and during the getaway, Crazy Claire gets left behind – which I’m sure doesn’t bode well now for Kate…

Once Jack and Flocke started towards the sub and Flocke handed jack his backpack I knew there was C4 on it, so it was no surprise when the found it – what was a surprise was the timer; that is, until Jack made his point. Jack stated that Flocke is counting on them to dick around with the bomb to detonate it because he can’t kill them for some reason, it appears to be “against the rules”. So this whole thing has been a plot by Flocke to get them to kill each other. Of course, after the last time Jack asked Sawyer to trust him and ended up getting Juliet killed, Sawyer is less-than-convinced. In an attempt to difuse the bomb, Sawyer speeds up the clock – and in what I thought to be a great act of redemption, Sayid runs to the far side of the sub with the C4 and sacrifices his own life (Casualty one). Now they have a new problem, the sub is sinking and the explosion trashed the sub. Lapidus eats it by getting a heavy metal door shot at him by gushing water (Casualty 2) and Sun is pinned to the side of a wall. Jack gets Hurley to take the wounded Kate to the surface while he, Sawyer, and Jin all try to free Sun, and in the process, Sawyer gets knocked the hell out by a falling beam. Now Jin convinces Jack to take the now wounded Sawyer to the surface…

Which brings us to perhaps the most emotional moment on LOST yet, and if you haven’t watched it yet and you’ve been reading all these spoilers thus-far, I’d stop now. We have followed Jin and Sun for six years now. Six years. We have seen them grow apart to only see them come back together stronger. They have thought each other to be dead, to only be reunited after 3 years apart and having to fight their way through the Island. Now, with Sun pinned against the wall, Jin refused to leave his wife once again, despite her pleas for him to leave her behind. Only a short 24 hours or so after reuniting Jin and Sun stay with each other as the sub goes down and we say goodbye in a tear jerking scene of their hands letting go of eachother under water (Casualties 3 & 4).

The creators promised us there would be casualties before all was said and done – and now we see they aren’t fucking around. Of all the Oceanic Castaways to get on that sub, we are now only left with relatively healthy Jack and Hurley, an unconcious Sawyer, and Kate with a bullet hole in her chest (I’m guessing one of these two may not make it through next week’s episode…) and now Flocke is determined to “finish what he started”. I have to hand it to Lindelof and Abrams, they are ruthless in their art form. We have grown to love and hate these characters over the last 6 years and it doesn’t appear they have plans to give them all long, drawn out dramatic deaths. They are quick and shocking, and in a split-second some of our favorites are gone. I only imagine what they have in store for us leading up to the two hour finale on May 23, and I am actually nervous to watch the coming episodes because they have made it quite apparent that no one is safe…

Okay Proletaria, I’ve said enough. Did last night’s episode manage to short out any of your well-protected emotion chips?

Proletaria-Tron: What. The. Fuck. I honestly can’t remember what happened in most of this episode because the last ten minutes was so mind blowing. Something about Alternate Locke not wanting to walk as some sort of punishment for making his dad a vegetable, and a bunch of Widmore’s people got killed but God DAMN what an ending.

I won’t lie to you, I was really really REALLY hoping that when Kate got shot she was going to die. I was actually a little pissed off she didn’t, but I thought hey maybe later she’ll die. Then Jack pulled out the bomb. And then Sawyer was a dumb bastard and made the bomb even worse. No part of me was thinking that Sayyid would snap out of his crazy and do something about the bomb, especially take it and run and commit suicide!!! If anyone says that saw that coming I have one thing to say to you, You Sir/Madam are a liar!

Now not only did we lose the Prince of Bad Ass (Desmond is King) but then moments after they are finally reunited and can be together we lose Sun and Jin! We’ve been waiting years for them to get back together and Boom!, just like that Sun is trapped and drowning, and Jin being the super Bad Ass that he is stays with her…Excuse me, tears all over the keyboard…Ahem. And if losing 3 of the best characters weren’t bad enough Frank died too (I think? We never really got confirmation) So now there is no pilot, and no submarine. What happens now??? Arse-Bot?? What Happens???

Arse-bot: I DON’T KNOW! [curls up in fetal position rocking back and forth, emotion chip overloading…] I JUST DON’T KNOW!!!

There you have it! Now sound off in the comments and tell us how all of you felt about last night’s episode of LOST!

Be sure to check out our latest edition of our web-comic, Previously on LOST by Bambot!

And finally, the Series Finale of LOST is only 2 1/2 short weeks away! If you haven’t heard by now Big Shiny Robot! is bringing you the Series Finale on the Big Screen at Brewvies on Sunday, May 23! We want to see all you local LOST fans there, so here’s all the details!