LOST Episode 610 “Review”

Proletaria-tron: Hmmm…What to say about this episode? There was a decent amount of info. Sun lost her ability to speak English which is just a really weird thing to have happen. Jin got kidnapped by Dirty Tina Fey and some other nerdy people with paintball guns that should darts. And two of the Alternate Time line stories met up and we got to see why the hell Jin was locked up in the freezer and found by Sayiid. Oh and Sun got shot in the stomach…weird. Most importantly though…DESMOND IS FUCKING BACK!!!! I don’t care about anything else now. Desmond is back and hes back to kick ass and take names and you all know it. Widmore kidnapped his ass or possibly used his daughter as blackmail to get Desmond back on the island to fight the Locke Monster. This is the best thing to happen so far. I’m actually more excited for next weeks episode than I have been for the entire season.

On the subject of the Locke Monster does anyone else feel that when he was in the form of The Man In Black he seemed a lot more put together and intimidating? This episode made him seem a little inept and not in control. Sayiid was more intimidating because well apparently he doesn’t have a soul anymore and can’t feel anything. Locke seems to be winging it where as The Man In Black seemed to be a lot more calculating and planned. Whatever, who gives a shit? Desmond is back.

Arse-Bot: I share Proletariatron’s enthusiasm over the return of Desmond. Easily one of my favorite characters in the show and it looks like he is quite important! Can’t wait for the coming weeks now that this badass is back!

I quite enjoyed the alternate timeline. This version of Jin and Sun were a bit different than their real timeline counterparts and I liked the contrast. The conversion of their timeline with Sayiid’s was also pretty cool to watch, though it appears their daughter may not be long for this alternate world…

I have to disagree with Proletaria on that the Locke Monster seems a bit out of control. I think he has just has much control as he usually does, but the fact is he is probably used to just manipulating a few people in order to get what he wants, now he is dealing with manipulating several dozen people, all at the same time, with Widmore on his ass. While he’s great at manipulating, he can’t control the future and there have been severl “unforseen circumstances” thrown his way.

After last week’s kick ass episode that contained a ton of answers and insight, this week didn’t seem to progress the story as much, but it was still a decent episode – so I don’t have  TON to say about it. My only complaint is it seemed to spend more time in the alternate timeline than the actual one we all care about more.

Desmond is my constant.

Be sure to check out this week’s edition of the BSR! exclusive webcomic, “Previously on LOST”!