Lost Episode 609 “Review”

Proletaria-tron: Well folks, sorry about last week but Arse-bot was landing in Hawaii for a week (yes he is an asshole) and I was just out of the hospital and so doped up I didn’t catch Lost for a few days. But I’m back to spout nonsense about the show we all love.

So last night we had the story of Richard “Ricardo” Alpert.  We saw how he went from a Spanish farmer on the Canary Islands to a slave and crashing on the island. But we all know that the really important part of this episode was to establish the game between Jacob and The Man In Black. And I gotta say I like him as the “Devil” a whole lot more than Locke. He’s got an evil vibe to him that just sticks with me a lot more. And I understand that we need the Devil to be Locke so that the new Jacob can be one of our 6 candidates but dammit I like him.

I don’t really have much to say about the episode, it was a solid story that may not have advanced the 6 very much but it told us all about the Black Rock and Richard Alpert so I’m happy.

Kill-tacular-tron: I think this is by far my favorite episode of the season. Richard is a bad ass. Never really in the front of the pack, but you always knew he was involved with something big. I love the dynamic between him, Jacob and the Man in Black (Johnny Cash?). The fact they played around with the rumor that the island is Hell (even though they’ve already stated that it isn’t the case) was a lot of fun.

Jacob’s explanation of the island being the cork to some evil wine was pretty sweet. I’m really direction the series has taken with good vs evil, but who’s really good and who’s really evil? Hurley kind of bringing everyone to center as they start to fall towards evil.

Also, on the subject of Hurley and ghosts… The entire series of LOST is about love found and love lost. Everyone’s lives seem to revolve around losing someone (or something) they loved, and trying to gain it back. Do you think Hurley sees his lady friend Libby from seasons past? She was accidentally killed earlier on in the series… but if he can see ghosts… can he see her?