LOST: Episode 603 “Review”

Proletaria-tron: Well…what to say about last nights episode? There was a whole hell of a lot of this episode dedicated to Kate. Kate just so happens to be my least favorite character. So much so I don’t even think shes hot anymore, and she used to be sexy. Sometime around the beginning of last season she just got really boring. Its nothing but pouting from her. Not only did we have to deal with her “Never Crashed” story but we had to deal with her “I still want Sawyers Southern Ass” story.

Sidenote: I hate the alternate timeline and think its a waste, I dont care about whats happening to them because they are not the people I’ve been watching for years, they are the people that never met and never crashed and never did anything.

I did like the “Sayid is some sort of Zombie” story line, because its the only thing that seems to actual be going somewhere. Sayid is infected and is going to go crazy. There is nothing about that not to like. He is going to fuck shit up. It seems like there is a whole lot of build up going on in the past 3 hours of show so I’m hoping stuff actual happens real soon. I’m slightly optimistic. Slightly.

Arse-bot: Shit! I forgot to watch it! Uhm… Kill-tacular-tron, what did YOU think?

Kill-Tacular-Tron: I enjoyed last night’s episode. It is moving a little slow, but it is the beginning of the season. After it gets some steam everyone will start complaining that too much is going on and there are too many questions. Lolz.

Kate is awful. If she would have died instead of Juliet I would be a happy man-bot. Although, unlike my counterpart, I am really enjoying the alternate time line. Showing how the characters would have intersected and how their lives are still intertwined is interesting to me. I like Kate and Clare living through a very similar experience while Clare gives birth. My money is on the two stories intersecting about two-thirds of the way through this season.

Sayid actually really frustrated me. Its cool that he’s back from the dead and ready to kick some ass, but he seemed like kind of a pussy while he was getting tortured. He kept screaming and yelling, “I don’t know anything!” If I recall, the last time he was getting tortured he didn’t scream like a girl or spill his guts.

Best part of this episode:

Super cool that they poked fun at his original role as an extra. I kinda wish it would have been Charlie. Oh, and did I mention the “cliff hanger” for this episode? Oh, that’s ’cause it wasn’t that memorable. We all knew Clare was chilling on the island somewhere. And we all figured she went bat shit crazy. This was more of a “retaining wall hanger”.