LOST Episode 509 Review/Recap

Swank-Mo-Tron here. It seems as though Arse-bot has had some data management issues. Either that or he’s a total screwup, I can’t tell which, both probably. In any case, he couldn’t watch last night’s Lost and so he asked me to fill in for him.

So, this episode, titled Namaste, begins with Frank Lapidas and his plane crash landing back on the island. What’s even more curious about the situation? Lapidas, the civilian passengers, Ben and Sun are the only ones there. The rest of the Oceanic Six made it back, safe and sound back to good ol’ 1977. I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, you’ve already watched the episode, so I’m going to spoil some things for you.

Story wise, the episode doesn’t move very far, though it does offer some good tidbits. Basically, LaFluer (nee Sawyer) has to sneak Jack, Kate, and Hurley into the Dharma Initiative so that they can live there and not be counted as “hostiles.” Unfortunately, Sayid wasn’t with them and Jinn is forced to capture his hand-cuffed ass and put him in a jail cell in Dharmaville.

The big mysteries of this episode for me were the intimations that Faraday is gone. To where? Back to the future perhaps? The other is that Sun and Lapidas were able to run into Christian Shepperd in the current day Dharmaville. What the hell he’s doing still makes little sense to me (though I think he’s just as alive as the newly resurrected John Locke and for probably the same reasons.) The last is this: Did Ben plan the ending of the Dharma Initiative as a little boy? He looked awfully damn suspicious in this episode (as a young boy) and seemed preposterously eager to get information out of Sayid about the “Hostiles.”

As far as next episode, it looks like this was just filler to get us from point A to point B because next episode seems as though the shit is going to hit the fan and the Dharma Initiative will be dead as doornails. Where will that leave our intrepid time travelers? Only time will tell.

I have one prediction that I’m going to make though: Juliet and Kate are going to have a little of friction between them because of Sawyer and I still think Juliet is going to die, a’la Mariko to Sawyers Wolverine.

Proletaria-tron, what say you?

Proletaria-tron- I enjoyed this episode more than the last couple, maybe its because I missed it. I agree that it was mostly filler but its moving the story along. We’re seeing whats going on at Dharma, building the Swan station (the hatch) and bringing in new recruits.  We know Faraday was around the Swan during construction, we saw it at the beginning of the season. We also know there was an “incident” at the Swan with unauthorized computer use. Maybe thats how Faraday got back?? Just a guess.

Sayid is fucked. He’s smart and what not but I have no idea how he’s going to get out of the situation since from the preview of next week Sawyer sells his ass out. And little kid Ben is fucking creepy. Reminiscent of the creepy kid who was at home tormenting small animals everyone knew in grade school.

While I think you may be right about Sawyer and Juliet I sure hope you aren’t. Kate is annoying as hell and her character has become really boring. She’s the drunk girl at the party. She’s annoying and an attention whore and doesn’t know whats going on. I hope Juliet kicks her ass.

I’m also pretty interested to see what happens to Jack since Sawyer basically told him he was a fucking idiot and now is a janitor while Sawyer is heading up Security. Next episode seems like its going to be awesome. Here’s hoping.