Lost Episode 507 Review


So Arse-Bot downloaded a virus (probably from a dirty Femme-bot) and is out for this weeks Lost Review. So, all you lucky bots just get my opinion which is that this week’s episode was great. I liked it a whole lot more than the last couple weeks, which seemed to all be building up to the next few episodes.

We opened up with some of the new people from the second plane crash searching the island. They start talking about a guy they found in a suit standing in the water that wasn’t on the plane. Of course its none other than John Fucking Locke alive and well. I thought this was a great opening. It wasn’t really a surprise but I think it was just done really well. Most of this episode takes place off the island, as we find out what the hell Locke had been up to and everything leading up to his death. We saw a different side of Charles Widmore and found out that he had been the leader of “The Others” on the island and was exiled and forced out by everyone’s favorite manipulative bastard, Ben Linus. Charles Widmore actually seemed like a decent person and we found out that tall creepy black guy that had followed all the Oceanic 6 around post crash actually worked for him, until Ben shot the hell out of him. Locke traveling around visiting people wasn’t really all that great, Hurley was funny as always and thought he was dead. Jack was half drunk and all depressed of course, and Kate was boring!!!! Like always. Seriously all this new season I hate Kate, she’s sexy and all but boring as can be. And the preview for next episode about her and Sawyer seems just as boring. With so much else going on the little Kate, Sawyer, and Jack love triangle just seems lame and unnecessary. So we get to the end, Locke has given up nobody will listen to him he’s gone from his I’m awesome phase back to his I’m a little crybaby phase like he does once per season. As he’s about to hang himself Ben shows up and saves him, woot!! Oh wait we know John’s dead so WTF!? He tells Ben about Eloise Hawking (we all knows she’s the blonde from 1954) and Ben fucking kills him 2 minutes after saving him. Pretty awesome and I have to give credit where credit is due, Kill-tacular-tron called it 2 weeks ago. He’s told me a few times that Ben will kill Locke.

So when its all done and the blood has dried we are back on the island with the new survivors. Cesar and the chick who’s name I don’t remember are showing John the injured survivors and Ben is one of them! And he is fucked up! And John is going to get revenge?? I hope so.