LOST Episode 505 Review/Recap

Plot Points –
Ben tells Sun that Jin is, in fact, alive.

Jin sets out to help Danielle and company find the radio tower they eventually leave their distress signal at. While doing so they come across Smokey The Monster, who kills two of their party.

Jin witnesses Danielle kill Robert because the “monster made him sick”. Right after this, Jin travels again and is reunited with Sawyer and company.

Jack and Ben’s attempts to convince others to go back to the island falls apart.

Ben has apparently been keeping everyone “safe”.

The flashes are becoming more frequent and Faraday and Charlotte stay behind while the others continue to the Orchid Station.

Charlotte has been to the Island before… she grew up there as part of the Dharma Initiative until her and her mom moved away. She has been searching for the Island her whole life. When she was little living there, she was told if she came back she would die… by FARADAY!

John runs into Dr. Shephard in the bottom of the well, says he was the one who was supposed to move the Island. He must find Eloise Hawking once he has gathered all the O6 to come back to the Island.

Sun agrees to go back to the Island to save Jin.

Desmond is at the Church, looking for Faraday’s mother.

Couldn’t gather all of them, but “it will do…”

Arse-Bot- I really think that last weeks episode and this weeks episode could have been combined into one. The last two weeks have been a little mediocre in my opinion. I was glad to see Jin come back, but then he kind of just spend 20 min wandering the forest with Danielle and the other French folk. There was more time travel, Locke finally made it to the Orchid where he saw Dr. Shephard, Ben and Jack are having trouble getting everyone back… blah blah blah. Not a whole hell of a lot happened… However, looks like next week is going to pick up pace, do some go back to the Island? Looks like Kate gets on board…
One thing I did want to bring up is this though: Off the Island, we are three years later, ON the Island (minus the time traveling) it has only been what? A matter of DAYS since the freighter blew up? So how are they going to handle the discrepency between the two story lines? Are we going to get to see what Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, etc. did on the Island for three years? Are the O6 going to travel BACK in time when they return? I am interested in how they handle this…
Anyway, take it away Proletaria-Tron, did you hate this as much as last weeks?

Proletaria-Tron- Surprisingly enough I liked this weeks better than last. Smokey the Monster killing annoying French people was great and seeing that that was the “sickness” that made Danielle kill all her shipmates was somewhat interesting. I think Christian Shephard is a bad ass and I loved when he made Locke stand up on his completely broken leg and fix the wheel.

Still you’re right there wasn’t a hell of a lot going on this week. All the back home shit resulted in nothing since Kate and Sayid and Hurley still all walked away however Desmond is in and Desmond > Everyone Else. I like your question and I think that Eloise is going to take them back to right when they left…. OR that when John fixed the wheel Sawyer, Juliet and the rest were 3 years ahead already.  I’m really more interested in what the hell is going on with Faraday and Alpert right now all this we’ve got to get back and it takes 5 episodes to do so shit if fucking lame. The article I posted yesterday gives me hope though.  So this week I won’t bitch as much as last.