A Joyous Occasion

Captains log:
Stardate: -309313.6

We find ourselves on a class M planet, designation Earth.

For those of you unfamiliar with translating stardates and Starfleet lingo (or my approximation of it) yesterday, September 8, 2013 I received joyous news via a photo on my Twitter feed. Sir Patrick Stewart had taken a bride, now Lady Sunny Ozell.

Stewart and Ozell, a jazz singer and songwriter, met in 2008 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and have been dating ever since.

Readings indicate several life signs including Sir Ian McKellen, who was in attendance and officiated the ceremony bringing the total number of knights to two and the total number of awesome to over 9000.

My Captain looks happy, and that makes me happy. But you don’t have to take my word for it, just check out this sweet ball picture SirPatStew posted via Twitter with the caption “Yes, married”.


This begs the question… does Patrick Stewart own a ball pit!? Inquiring bots would like to know… and jump in it.

Neverbot out.