HyperZord Watches TV: Wednesday

Now it’s time for the longest one yet. Sorry for putting this up so late. I got pretty sick today so haven’t been on the computer. Let’s start with hour long programs.

Friday Night Lights — The fifth and final season of this show is about halfway through on channel 101. A show about football in Texas really didn’t sound appealing to me at first, but what swayed me was the incredibly real characters and their amazingly good choices in terms of story. Seasons 3 and 4 were some of the best television I’ve seen and so I’m very excited to see how they end the show. This show never had very high ratings but it was always a very good show (except for a bad moment in season 2).

Terriers — Only the first episode of this show did over .80 in ratings so it makes sense why it was canceled in that sense. However this was easily one of the best shows on television this year, I only have two episodes left but I have heard the last episode is very satisfying. One thing this show did really well was it took the monster of the week concept of having some new case every week but what was different was everything they did had consequences. I highly recommend this show even though it’s only one season.

Hellcats — Hellcats is back and I just need to mention that I hate this show. They basically wanted to take a formula like Glee and instead of singing have it be cheerleading like the hit movies Bring It On. After three episodes I could not keep going, it’s just awful.

Psych — USA currently has a style to the show they air. They all have fun characters who do something each week with some over arching story line. The one that works the best however is Psych. This show is just all around fun, and this season has been no different. They even did an amazing Twin Peaks parody called Dual Spires which also guest starred Ray Wise.

Human Target — Human Target is back! Yay! I wasn’t sure this show would go into a second season but it’s back and it now has two new female cast members. With those two new cast you’d think the show would go in a different direction but it’s still much of the same Human Target we’ve grown to love. They did change the opening song and it’s a little worse then the original but that’s my biggest complaint. Very good show.

The Defenders — This is a rare gem that is just excellent. A pair of defense attorneys in Las Vegas played by Jerry O’Connell and Jim Belushi who defend those who don’t often get defended like Strippers. This show is very fun and has done decently well so far. I was hooked halfway through the first episode so I hope more people will start watching it.

Six down, now we’re heading to five reality shows. It seems reality is big on wednesdays.

Survivor — Here’s the interesting thing, I never watched an episode of Survivor until season 18. It’s now in it’s 21st season and I love the Psychological way in which people play. I tend to route for the more villainous because they play how I would play. All it takes is a season to see why so many people love watching this show. I tend to like the more challenge based reality shows.

America’s Next Top Model — I first watched a season while sick when it was doing a marathon on lifestyle. I’m pretty sure that’s how everyone starts watching this show. I actually don’t follow this show as religiously as most however, but this past season was especially good because it has a giant lanky nerd woman that won the whole thing. A girl that was six feet tall and really into anime. So rooting for her was a fun time. Usually I watch the first episode of the season and see if there are any girls I want to root for, if not I don’t bother.

Real World Road Rules The Challenge: Cutthroat — I have been watching The Real World and all it’s in spinoff shows since about season 5. I even went back and watched the seasons before to catch up. The Real World was basically the first reality show. Now it switches off between a real world season and a challenge season. This one titled Cutthroat is exactly like other challenge seasons which is why I’ll watch it. Filmed in Prague the contestants have been lying, backstabbing and pushing their way towards victory. It’s a good season and I’ll be watching every season they put out.

The Apprentice (UK) — This is the first season I’ve been watching the UK version of The Apprentice. I’ve watched a couple seasons of Donald Trump but Alan Sugar is a billion times better. He’s rude, he’s successful and he doesn’t care if someone did a good job, if they aren’t right for his company he will fire them. The show feels a lot more cutthroat just because it’s a lot more professional and also the show excels by having a narrator. Lord Sugar is a scary man, at this point Donald Trump is only scary in that he has lots of money.

The Ultimate Fighter — I love the UFC, and The Ultimate Fighter is such a good show for the UFC to have. This season just ended and one of the most humble fighters I have ever seen Jonathan Brookins took the title. This show does wonders to propel the careers of mid card talent. I will watch every episode this show ever does.

Now with that over with we turn towards half hour comedies. Seven to go.

Futurama — Futurama is back for it’s sixth season. I was never a big follower of this show and ended up going through the whole series last summer to catch up. In my opinion the first two seasons of Futurama were not very good, however as the show went on it became funnier and funnier. This season may have been the best so far.

Ugly Americans — This cartoon on Comedy Central came back for the end of the first season. It’s basically about an earth over run by minions from hell and aliens. It has funny moments and even funny episodes but the overall feel of the show doesn’t make me want to keep watching. I do, because I know they’ll give me some good comedy, but it takes me a while to get through it.

South Park — Season 14 of this epic show just ended recently. The Coon and friends three parter was really good especially because of the Kenny story line. Also it seems everyone really liked the Creme Fraiche episode. This show has evolved over the years but I still think it produces some pretty good quality humor.

The Middle — I have officially quit this show. I watched the whole first season, and there were funny moments but it’s just too depressing to watch. There are some good actors but the show just feels like a bunch of shows mushed together. The Simpsons, Malcom in the Middle, My Name Is Earl. I mentioned earlier in the week I have trouble with redneck shows, and this feels in that same vein and so I just can’t watch it anymore.

Better With You — ABC’s newest comedy with a laugh track. This show is decent, it has funny moments and I haven’t wanted to die while watching it. It has a nice style to it and so I’ll keep watching.

Modern Family — This show is just awesome, I’m constantly surprised at how well they’re able to keep the show fresh while just sticking to their main cast in their main houses. The writing and the acting are both really good.

Cougar Town — I love this show so much. It really has one of the worst titles in existence since it’s not what you would think it is. It’s done by the creator of Scrubs, so it has the Scrubs feel but without the inner monologing and flash backs. Every character is fun and I think this is tv’s most underrated show.