HyperZord Watches TV: Friday

Thanks for coming with me on this journey of reveiwing television shows, as there are no new shows I watch on Saturdays, this will be the final one for this week. Now without further ado, shows which air on Friday Nights.

Friday Night Smackdown — That’s right, the other big WWE program. Recently the Undertaker vs. Kane story was one of the best and then just a month later, the Kane vs. Edge program is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Smackdown isn’t doing very good in my opinion, but like every wrestling fan, I’ll continue to watch it forever.

QI — On the BBC comes this amazing trivia show with Stephen Fry. Every season is about the next letter in the alphabet, so currently on season 8 they are doing things beginning with the letter H. If you can find clips of this show you should, it’s very informative and funny.

The Soup — I have been an avid watcher of the Soup for three years. I get every new episode on itunes so I have 3 years worth of episodes saved on portable hard drives. Joel McHale is a genius and as he’s in two of my favorite shows he’s the king of TV.

The Good Guys — I admit, I haven’t been watching this as much as I should. From the creator of Burn Notice comes a show with a better story line and very cool gimmick. This show has been on the line of getting canceled for a while but hasn’t yet, let’s hope it can continue.

Smallville — I became giddy at the start of this 10th season when the first words were, “And now the final season of Smallville.” It’s officially the last season! The odd thing is Allison Mack is now not a main character any more so they only have four title characters. Just Clark, Lois, Green Arrow and Tess. This season hasn’t been very good but since it’s ending I will watch it until the end.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars — I don’t need to say too much about this show considering Swank does a good review of every episode. What I will say is this, I didn’t watch the Star Wars movies until High School so they weren’t a big part of my childhood, I’m not a very big fan of the entire canon, but with all that said The Clone Wars is still a very good show, and so it’s not because I love Star Wars that I love this show, this show is very good as a stand alone show. So go watch it.

Blue Bloods — Blue Bloods is among my top five favorite shows this season, about a family of police officers starring Donnie Wahlberg and Tom Selleck, the show does some very good things. Also made by some writers of The Sopranos. The odd thing is, even though it’s on friday nights it regularly gets over 10 million viewers.

Lots of tv, and I hope you’ll go watch some more.