Dick Grayson gets a TV show?

It would seem so.

According to IMDb, McG and the CW have teamed up for a show about Dick “DJ” Grayson’s pre-Robin days in the circus:

Batman‘s sidekick Robin has landed his own TV show.

The Graysons will explore Robin’s alter-ego Dick ‘DJ’ Grayson before he paired up with the caped crusader.

The show is being made by Warner Bros. and director McG’s Wonderland Sound and Vision – and will appear on U.S. network The CW.

Knowing how unreliable Batman news on IMDb can be, I checked Variety.  Unfortunately the story’s solid.

They’re eyeing this as a replacement to Smallville, which I was never terribly interested in.  But, at least with a young Clark Kent, he’s exhibiting his powers and the like.  Dick’s (or “DJ” in this case) character really isn’t really there until his parents are killed.  How long can they spread it out before they have to bring Bruce into it?  Will a show about a kid acrobat in a travelling circus be that interesting?  Will it be interesting enough for comics fans?

I wonder.