Deadliest Warrior: Zombies vs. Vampires coming soon

If you’re like me, one of your guilty pleasures on TV is Spike TV’s Deadliest Warrior. I’ve always thought this should just be called “Bar Bet: The Show,” and this summer they’ve promised to settle the dispute of who would win between zombies and vampires.

Personally, my money’s on vampires, since vampire killing generally requires some sort of special technique (stake through the heart, sunlight, fire- really depends on the lore you’re using)

In case you’re unfamiliar, Deadliest Warrior generally pits one type of historical warrior against another, so you get to see a knight fight a pirate, or the Medlin cartel vs. al Qaeda. They take real martial artists who have experience using these historical weapons and pit them against various challenges, which usually involve slicing through animal carcasses or human torsos made from ballistics gel.  Oh, and lots of fake blood. (This is Spike TV, after all). They then feed the results of their various tests over who has the best long, medium, and short range attacks, along with special weapons, into a big computer, and then decide who would win.

Arguing on the side of zombies will be one of the fine folks from the Zombie Research Council. No word on who will be representing vampires, but hopefully the vampires are more Nosferatu or Whedon-esque and less Twilight.

But, as fate would have it, it looks like actual zombies are closer away than we previously thought, as scientists learn more about a fungus that turns ants into zombies!!!

This brings us to where I’ve always wanted this show to go, which is into the realm of fictional characters. Spike TV (Viacom) does not have ties to either Marvel (ABC/Disney) or DC (Time-Warner), but it would be THE realm to have a throwdown of Superman Vs. Hulk, Batman vs. Iron Man, etc. But with that completely unlikely to happen, it will have to remain the realm of bar fights between nerds.  And forum rants. Lots and lots of forum rants.

Speaking of, what do you robots think? Zombies? Or Vampires? Let us know in the comments below.