Breaking Bad Final Episodes Spoiler?

Today I am doing my due diligence and writing this to protect my fellow bots from the truth. Big Shiny Robot!’s regular Breaking Bad reviewer is still recuperating from her rage-fit having accidentally seen the spoiler, but I lack the context for it to have any impact. I haven’t started watching Breaking Bad yet, and I don’t intend to until the series is over. I did read the review of episode 13 so I do know a few things.

Rob Moynihan, a writer at TV Guide, posted a photo (which is at the end of this article to help hide it) from the final Breaking Bad press kit that may reveal and/or spoil some things about how the show turns out. From what I understand we’ve got Aaron Paul who plays Walt’s accomplice Jessie on the left and Bryan Cranston on the right. It seems there are a few possibilities of what this means.

Aaron is dressed as Jessie so it seems the show is being shot in some form, but is this Walt or Bryan? In all the shots of Walt I have seen he’s got a goatee and mustache, while in this image Bryan is sporting a full beard and a full head of hair. Could this be some kind of reverse flashback that shows a peek into the future? Walt is older now and has had time to grow his hair back. I don’t even know if Walt is bald by choice or not. If it is an older Walt, why doesn’t Jessie look older or different?

I could be reading this all wrong though. A the end of the latest episode something happens that implies Walt makes it out of whatever desert they are in safely, but Jessie’s outcome is still unknown. Does this image depict that Jessie will also make it out alive? Or is it toying with us that maybe Walt doesn’t instead?

Bryan Cranston not only plays Walt on Breaking Bad, but he also produces a lot of the episodes. Knowing this leads us to the next possibility. Maybe this is Bryan in his director role. Perhaps he and Aaron are going over the upcoming scenes or reminiscing about the show as it comes to and end. Bryan’s not wearing his bald cap or hasn’t shaved his head recently and his beard has fully grown in. Is Walt out of the picture in the final episodes of Breaking Bad?

My opinion is that this is just too speculative. If it’s a press photo, the creators of Breaking Bad intended for it to be seen and are intentionally making the viewer squirm and wonder just what is going on. Perhaps it’s not even what it looks like at all. Maybe this is a picture of Giovanni Ribisi with a shaved head hanging out with Robin Williams. Squint a bit, it looks like them, seriously.

What do you think? Is this a glimpse into Walt and Jessie’s future or is this a behind-the-scenes look?

via Pop Culture Brain