What’s in My bag: Clobber-Tron

Unlike my fellow bro-bots I jam econo! Here’s a look at the finest bottom of the line gadgets that bring you the Monitor Tapes podcast, the Big Shiny Spank bank, and a few random digital comic book articles.

My first idea was to grab all the digital gadgets and nerdy items I could find and toss them in a bag. You know, maybe some hardcover graphic novels, crystal caste gaming dice, and a superman badge to clip on the front pocket. I decided instead to just open the bag and take a picture as is. Surprisingly not a lot in this bag to show what a kick ass nerd I am.

The bag itself is a cheap no name laptop carrier from Amazon.com. It was less than $20.00 so it fit my budget nicely. After seeing the contents I’m sure I’ll be re branded as Budget-Tron.

Clipped to the top of the bag is a 4GB Sansa Clip MP3 player. That’s right, no fancy $300.00 iPod touch for this robot. I usually plug this into my car stereo and listen to everything from Radiohead to Over My Dead Body whilst driving around the SLC. It also has a nifty clip that can be attached to just about anything during rare trips to the gym.

In the Top left pocket is some superglue and my sons switchblade comb I have intended to glue back together for him for the last week, (note: mission accomplished).

The next pocket over contains a Lee Oskar harmonica (key of C) and a various assortment of guitar picks in case a jam session breaks out!

Continuing clockwise is my cherished DS lite. This little cobalt blue hand held device has giving me more than a few hours of fun playing mostly Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman and Yoshi’s Island.

The last pocket usually contains a an untamable ball of tangled chords for phones and cameras but I’ve since cleaned up the mess so this is what’s left. The wall charger for the DS and a pair of earplugs. With the amount of live music I see earplugs have become a must, and my aging ears thank me.

On top of the Laptop that makes the Monitor Tapes possible is a Logitech gaming headset: crystal clear sound at a budget price. Next to that is a 64GB SanDisk Ultra Backup USB Flash Drive in a Velcro case, and a My Touch 4G phone. Being the digital comic geek of Big Shiny Robot. I do most of my comic reading on an iPad but I never travel with it is so this phone is great for reading comics on the go.

The nook e reader is an awesome under appreciated device. I chose it over the Kindle because of the design and ease of use. They both look great and are easy on the eyes but after trying out both the nook felt more natural to me.

And lastly we have one of my favorite laptops and the workhorse I use to edit videos and podcasts The HP Pavilion dm4 notebook goes with me everywhere from the coffee shop to Brewvies Cinema pub.

And that’s that. An intimate look into the random stuff I have with me 90% of the time.
Want to see more hot robot sacks? Here’s Arse-Bot, Proletaria-tron, and Zombietron’s bags in case you missed them.