What Will The New iPhone Bring?

In about an hour Apple will be announcing their latest piece of hardware to be sent into the warzone known as smart phones. Rumors about this phone have been bouncing around the internet for more than six months, I remember seeing rumors the day after the 4S launched. Based on the excitement for a “truly new” iPhone this device has the possibility of being the biggest launch in iPhone and smart phone history. Here is a list of what you should expect/demand, and what the rumors are saying.

The Look:

Rumors say that the iPhone 5 will be a 4″ display, extremely thin, and have a steel plate across the back. I like to imagine it as an amalgamation of the original iPhone and the 4S but bigger.

As seen above the bezel will be much thinner giving the device more screen real-estate without enhancing the size too much. The steel backing should give the phone more resilience to dropping and rough treatment, even though a case on a device like that is a must-have these days.


I can’t see any way of this phone launching without LTE. Every mobile network is striving towards LTE with some further off than others. To stay competitive with every phone that has launched in the last six months, and stay in time with the new iPad Apple will have to include LTE in the device. The question is will they be able to keep the battery life high in LTE markets, and still chug data at the same speeds.


An item not mentioned to aggressively by Apple or it’s fans, in my opinion this is one of the items the phone must have, that it also has the biggest chance of leaving out. The steel back (if it proves true) could cause issues with NFC transmission, and Apples track record of leaving out “untested technology” could have it without. This leaves technology like Isis mobile wallet, and even their own loyalty card storage at risk. WIth NFC you can transmit that loyalty information, without it their storage system is nothing more than a standard type in your info and display a barcode application.

New Port:

That’s right folks, your standard Apple port will be going away for a smaller proprietary connection. Still not joining the Micro-USB revolution the rumors say that Apple will be releasing a smaller plug, and retailing an adapter for $9.99 along with the launch. You won’t have to purchase all new chargers, just a new adapter head…..fun right?

The Date:

If trends follow and the rumors are correct pre orders could begin as early as tonight, and the phone could launch by Sept. 21st. Will you be on board in a scant 9 days, or waiting for the insanity to die down?

With iOS 6 already on the horizon and developer trials happening now it will be interesting to see what happens in the next hour. What features are you expecting? What makes or breaks the phone for you?

Sound off below!!