New iPhones Cometh?

The good folk at Reuters are reporting that an unnamed Korean manufacturer is producing parts to release a cheaper 8GB model of the iPhone 4 to release in the coming weeks. To make the rumor even juicier “unknown sources with knowledge on the matter” are stating that the iPhone 4S/5 will be readying itself for a late September launch. Packing an 8 mega pixel camera, more spacious touch screen and a better antenna.. As with all rumors generic dates and gruff estimations are being loosely flung about. I hope this rumor is solid enough to get excited about, it has 2 unknown sources and an unnamed Korean manufacturer, I can have hope now right? I certainly remember when the rumors about the iPhone built up heavily in June and WWDC left me alone, crying, and wondering why Apple didn’t love me anymore. But hey, if Reuters and 2 anonymous guys are saying it, along with industry analysts and most of the interwebs there can be hope! So I say, come on…September!