GO GO GADGET: Xbox Smart Glass Images

Thanks to Mike for the tip

A friendly neighborhood reader sent us photos of Microsoft’s Smartglass being run on Windows 8 Enterprise. In the email sent, he describes the photos as “Smartglass being used on Win8 Enterprise.” The first photo looks like it is running either on Win8 via Bootcamp or it’s simply an application for Mac. (I would love functionality from my Macbook to avoid dual booting.) The second photo is harder to tell exactly which device is running the Smartglass app. I can without a doubt say that I am 100% excited to see this hit the universe. If you don’t know much about Smartglass, this is a good place to start. I for one cannot wait to take gaming and media to my iPad from my Xbox.

I am certainly hoping it’s an app and not dual boot.

Tablet, different laptop? What is it running on?