Go Go Gadget: Concept Camera

In the past decade photography has changed a great deal. We’ve gone from digital being expensive and not all that impressive to making the dark room a thing of the past and capturing 12 megapixels with our cellphones. Nikon is pushing usable ISO ranges to insane heights while Pentax, Sony, and Olympus are changing the way we think of cameras with their Micro 4/3 lines. These EVIL cameras (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) are the first big step away from the form factor that we’ve all come to expect from prosumer cameras. With digital photography the gap between hobbyist and pro has gotten smaller and people want  their cameras to grow with them. Its not an easy thing to do, if you start with a point and shoot you are going to have to upgrade at some point but what if instead of jumping up to that $1,000 model that is bulky and makes you a target in a crowd you could grab a smaller one that had all the capabilities and more versatility than the big guns? The EVIL cameras have started down that road and while I don’t think that anyone shooting in a studio or doing big time pro photography is going to replace their D3 or 1D they could use the same lenses with much smaller cameras and hit the streets. But, what if we go one step farther from ditching the mirrors and viewfinder and start making the lens wireless?

Artefact has a concept that does just that. Not only is this an innovate look into the future of photography but it is a dream camera that would incorporate everything a prosumer could want. Small form factor, a sharing network, manual controls mixed with filters and vignetting options, and the biggest wow factor of the removable but still usable lens.

Of course this type of technology is probably a few years off but camera companies should take a good hard look at the concepts that are used in this because they truly give you everything you could want in a camera.