Go Go Gadget

154_xlarge116_xlargeI’m a bit of a gear junkie. I like to have the equipment I need for the activity I’m involved in. So I have bags for day hikes with water bladders, bags for longer trips that hold the gear I need. Bags for trips to Vegas for the weekend, bags for work. You get the picture. Here’s the thing…I’m a bit disorganized when it comes to how things go in my bags. I’ve got phones, ipods, gps, my DSi, my camera, and all the accompanying cords floating around in my bag. So when I find something like the Grid from Cacoon I instantly want it so that I can keep all my digital gear organized. This thing is badass. You can choose the strap and the position and get all your stuff organized and put it into your bag. And for about $25 why not? Now they also have a few bags that this can attatch to, making you all the more organized. But they run a little higher in price. It all just depends on what you need.