Want To Be Encased in Carbonite?

Obviously no one wants to really be frozen in carbonite, but how would you like to have your likeness sculpted into carbonite?

For those who don’t know, carbonite is the substance Han Solo is frozen into in The Empire Strikes Back.  For $50 plus shipping and handling, artist Paul Pape will hand sculpt your likeness into a slab of carbonite, just in time for the holidays.

He has pictures on his website and they look pretty good.  They’re made of sculpey and have been limited to just 200.  It’s a great idea and I can’t figure out why it’s taken this long for someone to pick this idea up and run with it.

This is a perfect holiday gift for that Star Wars fan in your life and all you need to do is send along a picture of them.  I would advise you order quickly, since these will probably go fast.

You can find Paul Pape on his website, and there you can find all of the ordering information.