The Phantom Menace: 10 Years Later


And so it was ten years ago today that Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace was unleashed upon the world in all of its glory.  Ten years ago, I’d finished up my month in line and had borne witness to a true force of cinematic nature that would forever change my life for the better.

Some would have you believe that The Phantom Menace was nothing more than a failed attempt at a kids movie and they really couldn’t be further from the truth. Phantom Menace is a look at a better, simpler time, both in the time it came out and the times it represents in the Star Wars Universe.

The Phantom Menace represented the light and goodness in the galaxy before it was consumed in an evil darkness. The dark times portrayed Episode’s II-VI wouldn’t have had a fraction of the impact had we not seen how the galaxy operated and functioned in the light. It was then oddly prescient that this portion of the story was released on the setting sun of the Clinton administration, right before the supremely dark times of the Bush administration.

Overall though, The Phantom Menace truly passes the test of time as a Star Wars film. Darth Maul, after a decade, is still instantly recognizable. Even the films most undeservedly maligned character, Jar Jar Binks, is still widely recognized (for good or ill) for having left an indelible impression on the pop culture. Even the newest Star Trek film pays homage to it (aside from the elusive R2-D2 cameo) with the monsters on the ice planet competing for food, “There’s always a bigger fish.”

Another strong reason one could assume that Phantom Menace has found success in longevity is the fact that it’s still debated fiercely in many circles. So much passion could only spark from a film and a series loved by so many to let their passions run high enough to spend 10 full years debating.

So, whether you loved it or hated it the first time around, take the time out now to watch the beginning of the Star Wars saga one more time on it’s 10th anniversary.

Given the proper frame of mind, I’m confident you won’t regret it. I know I’m going to watch it again and I’m going to love every minute of it.

In case you don’t own The Phantom Menace, go ahead and click that link to pick it up from Amazon.  It’s worth your money.