Team Hondo reminds you to vote in’s ‘This Is Madness’

The official Star Wars site has their character bracket game going, and Big Shiny Robot tells you to vote Team Hondo or else. has been bringing their own style of March Madness to the internet with ‘This Is Madness’, a daily character vote game, with brackets and eliminations. So far the matches on both the Light Side and Dark Side have been fairly predictable, with top seeds easily upsetting their lower ranked fellow characters.

All that changes with today’s Dark Side vote: Cad Bane vs. Hondo Ohnaka.

*Hand wave* You will vote for Hondo Ohnaka (and follow #TeamHondo on Twitter) – because THIS IS MADNESS!

And now a word from Hondo himself:

Greetings, my good-looking and wise fans! It is the key moment that Team Hondo has been waiting for – today, we overthrow the brackets of the Dark Side, not for freedom, but because we’re pirates! We can do whatever we want. And we want me to win!

I don’t pay attention to votes much, but when I’m on the ballot, I intend to win. So vote for me. So don’t disappoint ol’ Hondo by voting for Cad Bane, or not voting at all. If you betray me, it’s no big deal. I’ll just shoot you later, when it’s convenient. Like maybe at dinner.

Voting for me is the most important thing you can do with your ill-begotten life today. I guess you could also write a letter to Disney to say nice things about The Clone Wars. and me. Tell them nice things about me, like how I let those younglings go. That wasn’t very profitable at all. Also, you can trick your friends into voting for me – the more votes you get cast for me, the more I’ll reward you – you’ll get to hang out with me at one of my parties.

So vote Hondo and keep watching #TeamHondo #ThisIsMadness

Or hear more from Hondo Ohnaka himself on his earlier round picks:
Day 1 and 2.
Day 3 and 4.