Star Wars: The Old Republic – Free Play Weekend, Starting Today

You always did want to be a Jedi. Or a Sith. Or maybe just a simple, honest, galactic bounty hunter?

EA and BioWare have already sold over two million copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but they apparently need more souls to feed their growing MMORPG beast. So they’re letting you–yes, you!–play for free this weekend. You know, it’s like that guy in the park who keeps telling you the first hit is free. What’s the harm in trying? Oh right, it could destroy your life. (If you’re anything like me, that’s a legitimate concern.)

The Weekend Free Pass is open now, but is only available until Monday, March 19th. So if you’re planning on taking a trip to a galaxy far, far away, you might want to get on it sooner rather than later. Good news bonus: No need to enter any payment information to activate the pass, so no sneaky automatic sign ups or anything like that. You can try out any of the eight character classes.

But before you decide to go on a free, four-day, Bawls-fueled MMORPG powerleveling binge, you should know that the free accounts do have some limitations. First, you can only take advantage of the Weekend Free Pass by creating a new SW:TOR account, so you can’t pick up an account you already started with a “Friends of SWTOR” 7-day pass or any similar promotion. Your character can’t level past 15, and Crew Skills top out at 40–you’ll be notified in-game when you hit the cap. Your region availability is limited, a free character can explore their Origin world, faction Capital, the Fleet, PvP Warzones, and one Flashpoint. You are restricted from using: general chat, trade chat, or PvP chat. You can use: local chat, group chat, guild chat, and reply to whispers. You’ll be able to receive in-game mail, but you won’t be able to send any.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Weekend Free Pass Sign Up Here

[I think the power of the dark side is going to compel me to give SWTOR a shot, how about you?]