STAR WARS: Reclamation

Star Wars: Reclamation.

Could this be the title of an in-development Star Wars cartoon?

If you trust an anonymous user on IMDb with a doubly anonymous imgur account, this could be very real. If you’re skeptical, then it could be the name of anything in the world.

Personally, I think it sounds like a Seth Green Star Wars show revolving around Imperial Sanitation Workers.

But that’s neither here nor there.

What we have here are a number of pages of an alleged pitch for a new Star Wars show that, according to this anonymous leaker, was in development at Lucas Animation, got the greenlight in January, but was put on hold just before the layoffs.

Then the layoffs happen.

You can read the pages for yourself:

Is it possible they were planning on creating a show set between Return of the Jedi and Episode VII? Yes. Is it possible that it was this show? Yes.

Do I find it likely? No.

It has the hallmarks of being legit, or an incredibly well-researched fan effort. Personally, I like the idea of a Bonteri being involved. A descendant of Ahsoka and Lux perhaps? And a kid Calrissian, a female no-less, is something I’d love to see. But this Shade character seems too obvious… Many are saying Luke, but if this was really Filoni and crew, don’t you think Ahsoka might be more likely? Luke would be too busy re-establishing the Jedi order.

Who knows.

It’s fun to look at and think about in either case.

And besides, if it were real, it wouldn’t have been on the Internet as long as it has been. We’d have all received cease and desists by now. Or at least polite letters asking us to take it down.

Be sure to listen to Full of Sith on Monday for the panels speculation on the Reclamation issue.