Star Wars Live Action Show Casting Already!

It seems like it’s a good time to be a Star Wars fan.  (Who am I kidding, it’s always a good time to be a Star Wars fan).  But according to MTV’s Movies Blog, Rose Byrne (Dorme in Attack of the Clones) let slip in a press junket recently that casting has begun for the upcoming live-action Star Wars series.

You can read the full story about the casting here.

For those that don’t know, the live-action Star Wars series will be set between Revenge of the Sith (Episode III) and A New Hope (Episode IV).  Early rumblings about the series reveal that it will not follow the Skywalkers, or even any Jedi for that matter.  It will be the slow gathering of the Rebellion into the freedom fighting force we all came to love in the Classic Trilogy.

I’m a little disapointed by that for two reasons.  One, I really like Jedi and think that a story about a Jedi and his Padawan who survived Order 66 and on the run for thier lives, in disguise and hiding from the Empire.  Two, I had hoped that somehow, beyond all hope, that I could find myself writing episodes of this show.

Alas, it was not meant to be.

In other George Lucas related news, Mystery Man has a 130-page odd transcript of the story conference from Raiders of the Lost Ark with Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan.  Anyone interested in  George Lucas and/or screenwriting would do well to give it a read.