STAR WARS: The Imperial Inquisitor

Over the holiday season, StarWars.Com released a look at the first action figure from the upcoming Rebels show. Sure, it’s just a look at the brand new, Jedi-hunting Imperial Inquisitor, but I think it’s a shrewd move on the part of the Star Wars publicity machine. Toy Fair is coming up and pictures of this were going to get leaked sooner rather than later. Lucasfilm is getting very good at getting ahead of things they know are coming out anyway.

Which makes me think that all the crazy rumours swirling about are just that. 

The figure itself looks good and the idea of a character like this has incredible implications for the time period. By all accounts, Rebels happens closer to Episode IV than III, which means there must still be Jedi being hunted. Which delights me to no end.

I can’t wait to learn more.

Rebels hits Disney XD this fall.