STAR WARS: Filoni Developing New Cartoon

In what many of us have assumed to be the case, Dave Filoni revealed on Rebel Force Radio in his first interview since the cancellation of The Clone Wars that he is working to develop a new show in the Star Wars universe.

The interview, slated to go live tomorrow, was given to Eric Goldman of IGN who reports Filoni as saying:

“At this point, I am involved in some early production discussions and exploration of what we’ll be doing with Star Wars animation in the future, which is really exciting for me and I have some friendly faces around me, of course, that are helping me on the project. So it’s a transition time, as I’ve said before, and I think it will lead to an exciting time and hopefully I’ll see things grow again.”

Rumours have been swirling that this has been the case and it’s nice to get an official confirmation, and for that I’m grateful to the guys at Rebel Force Radio.

There’s no word if Filoni mentioned much about the upcoming bonus content we’ve been teased with for the end of the The Clone Wars series.

Having interviewed Filoni many times myself (you can listen to one of my conversations with him on Full of Sith), you can tell that he exudes a love of Star Wars and the fact that he’s still involved is the most promising silver lining we’ve had in these days of cancellations and layoffs.