Star Wars Celebration VI

Eric Geller, one of the panelists on my “Why We Love the Prequels” panel, pointed this out to me and I thought it was worth reporting:

The ReedPop Blog, which is run by Reed Exhibitions (who is the LFL partner to put on Star Wars Celebrations), mentioned that there would be news about a time and a place within the next 8 weeks:

So what was my point, oh yes Star Wars Celebration 6, of course. I’ve not posted anything in a while yet we’ve been working really hard on getting news ready for you. So let’s just say that we are close to telling you something about when and where it will be and you might find the host city a real surprise.

Don’t hold me to it, but I bet we’ll have some real news (not just a mean spirited tease like this post is) in the next 8 weeks. Until then, you can put on your Lando mustache from C5 and relive the memories.

There’s been speculation abounds that this means we could have a Celebration VI by 2012. When and where is Celebration VI has been one of the most frequent questions I get (right after “Where can I download Clone Wars?” ugh.) My speculation has always been 2013 to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Return of The Jedi, but maybe I’m just flat out wrong. Is there a demand for a Celebration every two years? I think it worked well having it every three years as we did for the first three, but you never know.

I also happen to know that Salt Lake City was heavily campaigning for Celebration VI, even going so far as to send representatives to CV. And to be honest, I think Salt Lake City would be an incredible change of pace and allow people to experience just how kick-ass and geeky SLC can be. But it could be on the moon for all I know.

In any event, we’ll be monitoring the ReedPop MediumatLarge blog and bring you all the information that’s fit to print as soon as it appears.