STAR WARS: Cad Bane on Netflix?

We’re living in a bizarre period in Star Wars where nothing is coming out. Everything we’re getting is in various stages of talks and development and nothing is for certain. It’s been a long time since we were in this position, it was that fallow period between Revenge of the Sith and the start of The Clone Wars, but it wasn’t that long.

Now, with new movies on the horizon and new owners of the franchise, everyone wants to bring you the news of what’s going on and what’s coming next. The problem is no one quite knows, and the people who know for sure aren’t talking. Or they are talking, but in very opaque hints.

When Yahoo News reported that Cad Bane might be getting his own Netflix series, it seemed totally plausible. 

The article itself does a good job of not being responsible for any of the information it’s passing along, using lots of question marks and speculation, but those I’ve spoken to in the know have rejected this theory out of hand. 

Let’s think about the idea first: How many people know who Cad Bane is? How many Star Wars fans know who he is? The Clone Wars was great, but it didn’t get the most eyeballs on it. Especially not when it’s compared to the movies.

If Disney/Lucasfilm was going to take a step toward Netflix, don’t you think they’d choose a character with higher visibility? Granted, they’re moving forward with characters like Daredevil and Luke Cage, but I’d argue that more people still know about Daredevil than Cad Bane.

Secondly: according to people in the know, this is more like a few different stories getting passed around the world and intermingling in a way that nothing is recognizable in the story. Maybe Disney is exploring Netflix for Star Wars, but nothing has been decided. Maybe Cad Bane is due for some more TV, but it’s to do with the Bonus Content. 

And, to be honest, on a scale of absurdity with 10 being the most absurd, I was told the “Cad Bane on Netflix” story was a 9.

So, while we might be getting more Star Wars and some of it might end up on Netflix, I’d say don’t put money on Cad Bane helming his own show there.