RECAP/REVIEW: Clone Wars 1.6

Downfall of a Droid was the name of tonight’s episode and it was another solid entry into the series. It starts with Anakin and Ahsoka guarding a planet from Separatist attack when, of course, Grievous arrives. Hopelessly outgunned, Anakin conceives a tactic that’s really quite cool that he leads Grievous into. (I won’t spoil the actual trap since it’s pretty cool.) And although the trap Anakin springs is successful, Grievous escapes in his ship after disabling Anakin’s fighter.

Anakin wakes up on his flagship to be told that Rex had to rescue him, he was knocked unconscious and Artoo was left in the wreckage. Obi-wan tells Anakin that it’s not a big deal until Anakin lets him know that his memory hasn’t been wiped and Artoo has a complete readout of the Republics tactics and a list of bases. Which leads Anakin and Ahsoka to a Trandoshan salvage ship that’s trawling the wreckage of the battle. They board his ship looking for Artoo, but find themselves in a pretty bad-ass showdown with a trio of IG-Assasin droids.

Needing to get back to the battle to try to hunt Grievous down, they leave, confident Artoo isn’t aboard the Trandoshan’s ship, but they were wrong and he’s plotting to sell Artoo to Grievous. Some more action ensues and Anakin’s new droid, a brand spankin’ new R3 unit dubbed Goldie repeatedly tries to inadvertently kill him.

I was taken a little bit off-guard with this episode since I figured that they would retrieve Artoo by the end of the episode, but he’s not even close to being rescued. The episode ended with a cliffhanger and the tease for the next episode where we see the Trandoshan disassembling Artoo and learning his secrets. That’s intercut with footage of Anakin being a badass and looking extremely pissed that he doesn’t have his droid.

All in all, this episode was another good one. There was a great action sequence for every section of the episode. Before the first commercial break, we had the great capital ship combat sequence where Anakin outwits Grievous, the middle segment featured that kick-ass fight between Anakin and Ahsoka and the IG-droids and the third had Anakin single-handedly holding his own against both his defective droid and three Separatist capitol ships.

So, I’m eagerly looking forward to next week’s episode.

Until then, May the Force be with You.

(And in case you missed it, here’s a preview clip that Lucasfilm was gracious enough to provide us with of this episode.)