PREVIEW: Clips from The Clone Wars 4.18 – “Crisis on Naboo”

This episode is the one I’ve been waiting for this entire arc–well, at least since they resolved the miscommunication with Anakin so quickly.

This seems like a bad guys version of the Dirty Dozen with a dash of the Departed and I’m completely okay with that. (Would that be like a reverse Manchurian Candidate?)

Seriously… It’s very much like those things. Trust me.

From the press release:

The conspiracy against the Chancellor is set. The playing pieces are on the board. Now, Count Dooku makes his move… In the next all-new episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, an extremely popular four-episode arc comes to its shocking finale. Obi-Wan is still deep undercover as the assassin Rako Hardeen, and he’s part of Cad Bane’s bounty hunter team tasked to kidnap the Supreme Chancellor. Guarding the Chancellor are the Jedi Knights, including Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan must stop Dooku’s plot, but is it already too late to stop the devious plans of the Sith? Find out in “Crisis on Naboo,” a new episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, airing at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT Friday, February 10th on Cartoon Network.