PREVIEW: Clips from The Clone Wars 4.13 “Escape from Kadavo”

I was very impressed with the last episode of The Clone Wars, going so far as to call it the Empire Strikes Back of the show. I’m very eager to see the conclusion of the arc on Friday. It’s been far too long since we’ve had a new episode of The Clone Wars.

I’m glad that we’re once again seeing Sidious on the show.

And the cityscapes, even in these clips, are nothing short of amazing.

From their press release:

Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns with new episodes starting this Friday, January 6th at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

In “Escape from Kadavo,” the conclusion to a three-part story arc, Anakin tries to convince the Zygerrian Queen that she too is a slave and pawn in an evil Separatist plot. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan toils in the slave camps of Kadavo, a grim situation that grows increasingly bleak.