INTERVIEW: Daniel Logan

Lucasfilm gave me the opportunity to do an interview with Daniel Logan in advance of the opening episode of the 3 episode opening of the Clone Wars season finale.

Daniel played Boba Fett in Attack of the Clones and provides the voice for the character on the Clone Wars animated television show. Tonight is Boba Fett’s animated debut on The Clone Wars on Cartoon Network.

Among things we talked about were his take on Boba Fett between Attack of the Clones and The Clone Wars:

Boba Fett is obviously now solo. He doesn’t have his father, so he’s lost his connection to a family figure. He’s matured quite a bit. He’s a very revengeful and I wouldn’t say dark, but driven young little boy now.

And we talked a bit about his online participation with fans on twitter and facebook.

It’s an enjoyment and a pleasure to be able to be with Star Wars fans and be able to interact with them. With the internet, why not take advantage of it? I want to give back to my fans as much as they give me.

In fact, Daniel will be taking live questions on his twitter (@Daniel_Logan) after the episodes air.

He talked about his upbringing and explained how he went from not ever having heard of Star Wars as a poor kid from a big family in New Zealand to being Boba Fett and becoming a major Star Wars fan in his own right.

We also talked about the potential for him to appear in the live action series. Obviously he gave no confirmation that it was happening, but expressed an immense grattitude to the fans who are pushing to make sure he reprises the role if the series ever comes to fruition. He also made sure to add that he’d love to do it.

Though he could offer no confirmations, Daniel left the door open for the idea of Boba Fett appearing in Clone Wars season 3.

To listen to the full interview, click on the Big Shiny Robot! iTunes feed here. Be sure to rate and subscribe to it, too. (The connection on the phone for the interview was a little bit staticy, so just be aware of that going in.)

For other Star Wars interviews, click this link.

(And don’t forget to enter our Star Wars contest that ends tomorrow.)