Give TeeFury Your Money

I spend a lot of money on TeeFury. Easily more than I should. My closet is overflowing with cool T-Shirts that I can’t even fit in more clothes. But there’s something about this new shirt (and so many of their shirts) that makes me just need buy it. I can’t control myself.

For one, they’re cheap. Shirts are less than $10 and shipping is only $2. Secondly, they’re awesome and rare. They sell T-shirts for one 24 hour period. That’s it. If you don’t buy it then, you’re not getting it. Which sucks, because the one shirt I would have bought without a second thought was there and gone before I’d even heard of them. (It was this shirt for those keeping score.)

But today’s shirt is one that I’m having a hard time keeping my paws off. I think I might be in the running for one of the world’s biggest Star Wars fans and have been for the duration of my life. And I’m a recent Doctor Who fan, and to be honest I can’t get enough of it. Mashing the two of them up together? Cybermen and See-Threepio? A Dalek and Artoo-Detoo?

I simply can’t resist.

And I can’t resist in a quick fashion because this shirt will no longer be on sale as soon as 12:00 EST hits…

And if you want to keep your money, don’t check TeeFury every day. They will take your money. Sure, you’ll be rewarded with awesome shirts, but it gets addicting.