Countdown to Clone Wars!

As we get closer and closer to the season premiere of Clone Wars, I am going to be putting out interviews with the cast members that I did during Star Wars Celebration V. I will admit pretty freely, though, that these interviews were done without a proper microphone, and were before I saw the season premiere.

Had I seen it, I would have ask a lot more questions of Dee in particular because the season kick-off is really his show.

We talked about his voicing of Bossk and the fan reaction to him, his voicing of the Geonosian Queen in Season 2, how he makes his voices, other shows he’s on (particularly Phineas and Ferb), Star Wars video games, and of course, the season premiere.

One of my favorite moments is when he talked about his summer job during 1977… Dee has been a lifelong fan of Star Wars. “I saw it the day it opened and the day after it opened. I had my folks make me a jawa costume the Halloween after and then the next summer, when they released it in ’78, I was hired by the local movie theatre to wear my jawa costume and scare people as a jawa. I made jawa sounds and watched Star Wars all summer long. They paid me movie passes which is the perfect job.”

We also talked about the possibilities of what could happen with Rex and Ahsoka between now and Episode III.
