A few bits of Star Wars miscellany

As some of you may know, I’m also the Star Wars Examiner for the national website of the San Francisco Examiner.

As the Star Wars Examiner, I cover every little bit of Star Wars news I can find and I don’t sometimes always post it here on Big Shiny Robot! I’m hoping to get better at that and will begin doing these little round-ups every week (or now and again) that collect all of the stories that I haven’t posted up here that are important to Star Wars fans. So, click the links, read the stories and enjoy them.

1. The first story on the list is a brand new trailer for Family Guy Presents: Something, Something, Something Dark Side. Click here for that one.

2. We have a mysterious communique from the Galactic Senate that was emailed to me without any additional information.

3. Star Wars Galaxies is now available on Steam.