TMNT: Portable Speakers

I’ll be honest, I’m always wary of speakers and I’m always wary small plastic ones. I’ve never had good luck with them and they always start to sound like crap for me after like a week. Perhaps it’s because I play them too loud. Perhaps they’re just cheap.

When I received in the mail for review a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles portable speaker, I was not expecting to be impressed.

How could I be?

I’ve held off writing this review because I wanted to prove myself right. “The speaker’s going to blow and this adorable little Ninja Turtle is going to sit on my shelf for the rest of his life collecting dust.”

I was wrong.

The sound out of these speakers is surprisingly rich and can get to a good volume, and I haven’t blown the speaker yet after 2 weeks of use. I’ve hooked it up to my computer, my phone, and my laptop with the intention of putting it through its paces and all it’s done is provide me excellent sound quality and look great on my desk.

And since it’s a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (mine is Raphael), it satisfies all of my needs to be geeky.

They’re available now at Toys ‘R’ Us and Amazon. If you’re in the market for a portable speaker, this would be perfect for boosting your signal at a party or at a small gathering where you need some music in the background.