CD Review: Pelican “What We Come to Need”

I love when a band has the prowess and skill to let their music speak for themselves, Pelican do this amazingly well, they kind of have to, they don’t have a singer. (With an exception, but I’ll get to that later) The album opens with an upbeat track, the warm tones from the guitar speak volumes to set the scale from the record to balace off of the heavier moments. This is not their heaviest record, but nothing has been as heavy as their first release (also an amazing record). The Creeper comes close though. The album moves in a similar fashion throughout, until you get to the last track, then a voice appears. The song Final Breath closes out the cd, in a way I never expected, the melodic vocals over a track that reminds me musically of the opening track. And it fits, it fits really well. I say bravo to them for doing something different, and crafting it to the album perfectly. The oveall mixing and sound on the cd is great as well, which only helps them sell their music as their voice, and when they add voice it only adds punctuation to the mix.

Score – 4 / 5

Favoite Tracks:

  • The Creeper
  • Specks of Light
  • Final Breath