PODCAST: April Big Shiny Podcast!

It’s that time of the month again – time for the Big Shiny Podcast in which some of your favorite (or, least favorite) robots wrap up the last month’s slew of geek news, comic book reviews, video game releases, and collectibles that you should be . . . collecting!

In this month’s ‘cast we tell you why you need to be visiting Superhero of the Month on a regular basis, talk the latest news on Green Lantern, Justice League, Amazing Spider-Man, Dare Devil, Deadpool, and other various geek movies. Arse, Vag, and Mexicus share their thoughts on Sucker Punch. Kill-tacular-tron tells you why Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime sucks balls while Zombietron gushes over his Nintendo 3DS and it’s various titles (except for you, Lego Star Wars III! You know what you did . . .), and he and Kill talk about some breaking news regarding Nintendo’s new console! Vagatron tells you what comics you should be reading right now, especially if you are a fan of Swamp Thing! We also figure out how much semen Mexicus Prime has wasted over the last ten years, and haphazardly throw around some derogatory words we instantly regret.

So plug in your headphones and mentally prepare yourself for 2 hours of geeky podcast goodness!

