Big Shiny VIDcast!

As you all may or may not be aware, each month BSR! releases a modest little podcast wrapping up some of the month’s major nerd news among other topics. For our August ‘cast though, things are changing!

We are excited to announce that we will be moving from Podcast to LIVE Vidcast! As fun as the podcasts are to record we wanted to integrate more interaction from our listeners (how many of you are there now? 3? 4?). So, on September 3, we will be streaming a live vidcast from Kill-Tacular-Tron’s home in a box on a corner and we will have a live chat room set up for anyone who would like to come join in the conversation! Geek out with us, debate with us, come drink beer (virtually) with us! We understand this first Vidcast is early on a Friday evening, but we hope that you’ll be able to stop by an join us for a bit before you go start your weekend plans!

The Big Shiny Vidcast is hosted by Founding Contributor, Arse-Bot and features Co-Founder, Kill-Tacular-Tron; Founding Contributor, Proletariatron; Video Game Expert and Tech Guru, Zombietron; and Mexican, Mexicus Prime as regulars. The BSVC also features a rotating roster of regular guests including, Co-Founder, Swank-mo-tron; Local hero and fuck, Derek Hunter; Comic Book badass for BSR, Androidika; and Local Comic Book Guy (and also badass), Kiley, to name a few.

This group of ragtag robot geeks and nerds discuss some of the big geek stories from the month, drink beer, and occassionally get derailed by tangents! Podcasts/Vidcasts are released monthly and are 60-90 minutes long (NSFW – Language).

The next Big Shiny Vidcast:

Friday, September 3, 7:00PM MT
Further details (URL’s) to be released early next week
Recorded versions of the Vidcast will be available a few days following the live stream via BSR! and iTunes.