August Big Shiny Vidcast

First off, a big thank you to the handfull of you that joined us in the chatroom! It was great having you join us and a blast interacting with you during the vidcast! Also, thank you to the 60-or-so viewers we had join us on a Friday night!

This Month’s Vidcast Features: (From L-R) Tom “Zombietron”, Jimmy “Mexicus Prime”, Tyson “Arse-Bot”, Kiley “NF Comic Book Guy”, Nick “Proletariatron”, Lucas “Kill-Tacular-Tron”.

Topics: Lots of Marvel movie news among other geek news topics, we run down Apple’s keynote introducing the new iPods and Apple TV, and fail to get a decent conversation about movie reboots rolling! We also try some real life Stay Puft Marshmallows, Jimmy tries not to throw up, and Lucas takes his pants off for $50, despite a better offer of $51 to keep them on.

We will have an audio version of this vidcast available on iTunes and via Mp3 later this week! Thanks for watching/listening! We will see you next month!

Come chat about the Big Shiny Vidcast over in the BSR Forum!