VIDEO GAME: DuckTales Remastered Coming Soon

If you were a child of the 80s, I can guarantee that you were a fan of DuckTales as it was one of the first must see after school cartoons of that generation.  Disney would go on to produce other hits such as Rescue Rangers and Tale Spin, but for many of us, DuckTales was the show that captured our hearts and made us into huge fans of Uncle Scrooge, Donald’s nephews, Launchpad McQuack, Webbigail Vanderquack and the rest of the crazy characters.

Of course, there was the obligatory video game that came out once the show hit mega success, and since this was the era when all licensed games weren’t almost automatically guaranteed to suck, the game was quite enjoyable and found a loving home in my NES where it was played constantly until the damn system broke down.  Years later, I got it for an emulator and found that it was still just as enjoyable as an adult as when I was a kid.

I’m pleased to announce that in an age when taking retro games, spiffing up the graphics and re-releasing them to a new generation has become the status quo, DuckTales has made the cut and will be coming to a PS3, Xbox or Wii U near you this summer.

Take a look at the trailer, and just try not to sing along.