VIDEO: The Day Cookie Monster Met Loki

Boy I love it when fandoms collide. A few weeks back, PBS shared their amazing pics of the day that Tom Hiddleston took a photo op with Cookie Monster, and the internet exploded. Today they shared the entire video, and the world may never be the same.

I will never stop singing praise for PBS as long as I live. They played an immense roll in shaping me into the nerd I am today (thank you PBS and Fifth Doctor), and are probably solely responsible for my lifelong love of learning. Few things make me happier than a mega-celebrity endorsing one of the last remaining outlets for educational programming. 

If I ever get a chance to ask a Muppeteer one question, it will be “how much practice does it take to get Cookie Monster’s cookie spray just right?” It’s brilliant, and if you ever tell me you’ve never been tempted to eat cookies that way I’ll call you a fibber. Also, I think it’s worth noting that no fewer than six people sent me this video, which might possibly signify I have a problem. Does this mean I can sneak a small portrait of Hiddles into my Muppet sleeve?