REVIEW: Red Faction Guerilla

When I played Grand Theft Auto I got bored of crashing cars into people and jacking hookers. It was no surprise when I was told Guerilla was a sandbox shooter, I wasn’t very excited. Game enters Playstation, my mind gets blown. Within the opening mission I got to collapse a building on itself, break a pipe and crawl through it, smash some people with a hammer, and create enough mayhem to satisfy my destructive urge for a week.

I stood at the top of a hill while EAD forces ran up it to kill me,  I placed more mines,  shot them in the face, wash…. rinse….. repeat. Instead of some desperate resistance general sending me to hunt down yellow way points, I’m able to freely roam around, find a car/truck/quick moving vehicle, borrow it, find a red marked enemy controlled something on the map, and blow it the fuck up.

I’m not super hot with words, but as far as I’m concerned I plan on blowing shit up in this game for at least another two weeks and I haven’t hit online play yet. Red Faction FTW.

Video review to post soon.