This last Thursday, I ventured out to the Salt Lake 16 to see the one night showing of Eureka Seven – Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers – Hm. That’s really all I can say about this film. First off, the good: The new animation was beautiful and seeing a new spin on Renton and Eureka’s love story was quite nice.

Renton and Eureka, one of the few high points of this film
That was all I liked, however. Where to start? First off, notice how I said the NEW animation was beautiful? Half of the movie is recycled animation from the series with different coloring. Some of it doesn’t even make sense, as one scene will be in one setting, and then is cut to an old section somewhere completely different. The story wanders, and borders on insane. Nothing in the writing seems to fit, and it drowns in mildly pretentious musings.
Being set in an alternate universe, the characters are sometimes radically different to a discomforting degree. Hap, a character who was nice to a fault in the series borders on sociopathic in the movie. As someone who loved the characters, it’s kind of unsettling.
If there is one thing I want to impress upon you, it’s this: Don’t let this review scare you away from the series. You can’t even consider the movie in same league. It is saddening the movie ended up being such a disappointment.