PREVIEW: Sonic the Hedgehog #222

The people at Archie were kind enough to send along a preview of next week’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog. It astounds me that this title is still going strong, even if the Sonic-based games have been sort of lackluster lately. I guess it’s a testament to the die-hard Sonic fandom that it continues. Good for them!  Based on the description, I am sure there is a section of that fandom that’ll be interested in this. I just like the fact that they’re using the old-school Genesis logo. Ah, memories. Anyway, enjoy!


“The World Can Wait”: With all the adventures, surprises and public distress, a hero needs a chance to chill out! Sonic and Sally take on a totally new kind of adventure as they venture back into the realm of being “more than friends” – or will they? Then, in “Second Impressions” Part Two: Knuckles and Dimitri – the final confrontation!

SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Steven Butler, Jon Gray, James Fry, Terry Austin, John Workman, Matt Herms
COVER: Ben Bates, Terry Austin & Matt Herms
Shipping Date: 2/16/2011
On Sale at Comic Shops: 2/23/2011
Newsstands: Week of 3/8/2011
Comic, 32 pgs, 40 lb. glossy stock, Full-Color

$2.99 US

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